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Feelin' The Love

It’s Valentine's Day! In honor of that we are going through comments and reviews both past and present and we are feelin’ the love!
Our top product on the market right now that gets the most love is our Quick Fold Cane! Here is what people are saying:
“Got one. Love it. Best cane ever.”
“Absolutely the best cane ever! Had mine for two months now. So easy to fold up. Adjust. Love the color and style.”
“A most useful piece of sculpture. Love mine.”
“Very helpful while traveling on uneven surfaces and it folds up quickly and neatly!”
“The best cane I’ve found for my use - especially when I travel. Well designed, sturdy, beautifully manufactured and not bad to look at…”
“Highly recommend.”
“Thank you”
“Absolutely love my cane. Best I’ve ever had!!!”
“Got the folding cane and just LOVE it!”
“The colors are beautiful! Thank goodness someone has finally made a great mobility product that is not embarrassing to carry, accessorizes well with more sophisticated neutral wardrobe colors and is easy to fold and use. I have one in charcoal and love it. No doubt even your brighter color palette will be beautiful.”
“I purchased one of these. Love it. Fits right in my backpack.”
“Got mine yesterday and really like it. Much the best design I’ve seen/used. It folds up so much more easily than the ones with rubber stretch lines inside and stays in place. Nice soft grayish black color.”
“Great design!”
“Love this cane!”
Our C-Grip Cane has received some love as well:
“C-Grip cane is great! ”
“The C-Grip design makes me feel extra stylish, and is a head turner for all the right reasons! It’s practical how it hangs on surfaces and makes it easy to get up from a seated position, I always feel so confident with it.”
We can’t forget about our Iconic Products Archive! This archive includes some of Michael Graves Design's most iconic items. Here’s what people are loving and missing!
“As a long-time Stratego player, I've recently come across the Michael Graves edition of the game. The design is brilliant! It is unique in that the ranks of the pieces are represented by their head garments as opposed to a full profile with a face. I find Graves' approach to be cleaner and more sustainable. The board design is quite nice as well, the ivory and black colored pieces contrast nicely with the neutral green color of the board.”
“You should bring his gardening tools to target, they were the best I lost mine in a move and would love to buy them again with my hands disability it was the only way I could garden”
We can’t forget about the love we share for the man himself, Michael Graves.
“I have been a fan of all things Michael Graves from his architecture, to his personal artwork, to his small goods that he and his design team have created. The products are useful and creative.”
Thank you for sharing the love! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Want to share your experience? Leave us a review here.